There are different versions of this model, but the one I learned was the OSSIPEE Model of wellness. Each letter of this acronym stands for one of 7 dimensions of wellness: occupational, social, spiritual, intellectual, physical, emotional, and environmental.
In college, I tried to fill this model with what I had at present. I noticed things were missing and there were things I knew I needed to change. I didn't know where to begin before I learned about OSSIPEE.
Here are some prompt ideas to get you started:
- Occupational: Am I able to afford a living at the moment? How satisfied do I feel with my position? Is my workplace environment supportive? Am I looking to grow in this field or within this specific organization?
- Social: Do I feel loved and supported? How many people do I interact with on a daily basis? How many of those people respect me? Which attachment styles might exist inside of me and how have they affected how I view relationships?
- Spiritual: Do I attend a place or worship? How passionate am I about my faith? If you're not religious: What in my life exists that nourishes my soul? How do I express oneness and compassion to others?
- Intellectual: What in my life challenges me in a productive way? What do I like learning about? How often do I seek out new information? Do I think critically about the world?
- Physical: Is my relationship with food healthy? What activities do I participate in to help my body? What are some things I can change to be healthier?
- Emotional: How do I feel about my day-to-day life? Is there anyone in my life at the moment who makes me feel unsafe? What's making me feel good and what's making me feel bad? Do I have a healthy outlet for stress?
- Environmental: Do I have access to clean water? Does the air quality where I'm at affect my body? What are some resources near me that can help me meet my needs?
You can make adjustments to this model to suit your situation. Words connote different things for different people. OSSIPEE is an easy little tool for reflection that you can bring anywhere. This model helped me see which pieces of my life made me feel stuck or unfulfilled, and it continues to help me to this day.
Some variations of this model include different things like a sociocultural or financial element. Please utilize these variations. How you use these models is up to you because this model is meant to reflect and assist you. :)
I hope this information facilitates self-discovery in some way. If you'd like to get more information or see more wellness models like this one, just Google:
Until next time, friends, stay well!